Amendment to D.lgs. 262/2002 of the Noise Directive

Published: 21 Sep 2020

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With the decree of the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea no. 32 of 20 February 2020, published in the Official Gazette no. 124 of 15-5-2020, Annex II of Legislative Decree 4 September 2002, no. 262 relating to the contents of the EC declaration of conformity of machines and equipment intended for outdoor operation.

Therefore, from the entry into force of Decree 32/2020 (30.05.2020) the buildings will only report the reference to Directive 2000/14 / EC.

There will no longer be the obligation to refer to Legislative Decree 262/2002, removing an obstacle that for many years has penalized both the Manufacturers and the Italian Notified Orgasms themselves compared to their foreign colleagues.