ECO Certifications issues a 2mln euros minibond

Published: 15 Feb 2022

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ECO Certificazioni Spa has issued a 2 million euros minibond fully signed by Intesa Sanpaolo and 40% guaranteed by Fondo Centrale di Garanzia, as part of the public measures to support the resilience and business development resulting from the pandemic.

The funding, lasting 6 years, marks a further important asset in the strategy of constant development of the company from Faenza, which thus sees strengthening its growth capacity both for internal lines and for the acquisition of realities consistent with the company’s core business.


Serena Farina, Chairman of ECO Certificazioni states:

We are very satisfied with the issue of the minibond, as it defines us as a solid and healthy company, with good performance in recent months and with precise growth plans for the coming years. This new frontier for the raising of capital is therefore for us an important opportunity of growth and will help us to support the investments foreseen by our business plan, based on strategies for the development of existing business lines, also with a green perspective, and the acquisition of innovative and quality enterprises.


Cristina Balbo, Regional Director of Emilia-Romagna and Marche, Intesa Sanpaolo:

This operation confirms once again our commitment to support the growth projects of local companies. At this stage we are more than ever committed to supporting the local economic and productive fabric in order to ensure a solid and structural recovery.