New EU Rules Set to Streamline Safe Circulation of Mobile Machinery on Public Roads

Published: 21 May 2024

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On February 22, 2024, the European Commission applauded the political accord reached between the European Parliament and the Council of the EU concerning the road approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM).

The established regulations aim to facilitate the usage of mobile machinery, encompassing equipment like cranes, harvesters, forklifts, and snow cleaners, on public roads.

This political agreement, following the Commission’s proposal from March 30, 2023, will bolster the Single Market by replacing 27 sets of national legislation with a unified, harmonized one. This consolidation will dismantle existing barriers to the unhindered circulation of mobile machinery on public roads, all while upholding stringent road safety standards. Additionally, the new Regulation is anticipated to alleviate compliance and administrative burdens, resulting in estimated cost savings of up to €846 million over a decade.

Key elements within the agreed-upon regulation include:

  • A standardized regulatory framework for the road approval of mobile machinery, capped at a maximum design speed of 40 km/h, thereby facilitating intra-EU cross-border usage.
  • Authorization for the Commission to establish detailed technical requirements, to be implemented 12 months prior to the regulation’s enactment.
  • Guidelines and procedures for market surveillance of such mobile machinery in instances of non-compliance.

Both the European Parliament and the Council are now required to formally endorse the political agreement. Upon approval by both legislative bodies, the new Regulation will come into effect 36 months following its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.

The scope of the Regulation encompasses NRMM, which are machinery designed for specific work purposes and occasionally traverse public roads. These machines primarily serve sectors such as construction, agriculture, forestry, gardening, material handling, and municipal services.

The Regulation’s benefits extend to manufacturers, users, and road users alike. For manufacturers, it eliminates market entry barriers and reduces compliance costs, with significant savings expected over the next decade, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Users will benefit from simplified cross-border usage and increased access to a broader range of NRMM across EU member states, while road users can expect consistent and elevated road safety standards for NRMM throughout the EU.