New Japan recognition for ECO

Published: 2 Feb 2022

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Following the audit of last November, ECO Certificazioni receives from the Japanese Authority NTSEL – National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, the recognition for the execution of type-approval tests according to TRIAS 31-J044GTR002-01.

In addition to the recent certificate, outside the European Community, the laboratory meets the requirements of FMVSS-122 and CFR 40.86 (USA) and also has the accreditation of VSCC-Vehicle Safety Certification Centre, Taiwan | MOTC-APP. IT05-14-2.

ECO Certificationi, through its own laboratory in Padua and a network of partner laboratories, offers all the tests necessary for the approval of the automotive sector. In particular, today it is aimed at Cat L vehicle manufacturers by offering various emission tests, thanks to the presence in its laboratory of an emissions bench and a shed room (diurnal and hot soak).