Genderless Talent: ECO offers 3 scholarships at UNIMORE

Published: 16 Mar 2022

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Two of the three scholarships are intended for the most deserving female students, to support the presence of women in the STEM and AAE disciplines.

ECO Certificazioni has established 3 scholarships, worth 5.000 euros each, for the most deserving students enrolled in the first year in the degree courses in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and AAE – Advanced Automotive Engineering disciplines, proposed by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia for the Academic Year 2021/22.

Of the three scholarships, two will be exclusively dedicated to UNIMORE female students with the aim of encouraging the presence of women in scientific degree courses and supporting young women in the implementation of their career projects in the field of innovation, technology and automotive. The promotion of people and their talent, without distinction of gender, is in fact one of the priorities of the strategic lines in topic of Diversity & Inclusion adopted from ECO Certificazioni. The project was born, therefore, to support the presence of women in the world of work and their active participation in economic and social life, becoming the protagonists of the ongoing transformations.


Our President, Serena Farina, explains the reasons that led the company to invest in this project:

“I firmly believe that education and training are among the most effective means of pursuing gender equality and thus overcoming the stereotypes that often affect decisions in the choice of the school and professional path of students and their families. Women and girls in STEM and AAE are increasingly becoming the main driving force behind a change that promotes the reduction of the gender gap and the rapprochement of women at all levels of scientific disciplines. We want to bet on them and their determination: for us it is a real responsibility to support the community and the growth of people.”



ECO Certificazioni S.p.A. – STEM: promotes the establishment of 1 scholarship worth € 5,000.00 (University gross) for a young female/male student enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022 in the first year of a three-year course of study in the STEM area. Deadline 15 April 2022. Here the call

ECO Certificazioni S.p.A – FEMALE STEM: promotes the establishment of 1 scholarship worth € 5,000.00 (gross university) for a young female student enrolled in the a.y. 2021/2022 in the first year of a three-year course of study in the STEM area. Deadline 15 April 2022. Here the call

ECO Certificazioni S.p.A. – FEMALE AAE: promotes the establishment of 1 scholarship worth € 5,000.00 (university gross) for a female student enrolled in the a.y. 2021/2022 in the first year of the International Master of Science in AAE. Deadline 15 April 2022. Here the call